Saturday, 5 October 2013

Don't Feed Your Candida (song)

I had felt depressed for many years
Had no idea t'was my food
Causing so much feud.
Joints aching, stomach sore
When eczema took over
gluten was first to go
My skin got better and my hair grew long
yet emotions so unstable

There were voices in the fridge: DON’T DO IT!
Too many men have tried before…

Whatever you do:
Don’t feed your candida
Don’t even eat the rice
Don’t feed your candida
Until you know you’re (pause) alkaline

When your body aches and you get on board
Now there'll be no turning back,
Beware of dairy, starch and sugar
The probiotics work, and the itching stops
Some pounds are finally shed..shed…shed
Persistence pays off toxicity is gone
And then my good friend said:
 so you must eat it now” – “Don’t do it!”
“YOU MUST EAT SWEET NOW.”– “Don’t do it!”

AND NOW MY VOICE IS LOUD - "Whatever you do:
Don’t feed your candida
Don’t even eat the rice
Don’t feed your candida
Until you know you’re alkaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!”

(Musical interlude)
yah yah yah
Don’t feed your candida
Don’t even eat the rice
Don’t feed your candida
Until you know that you’re alkaline!”

(Repeat twice more without a break)

"Don't feed (hold for seven beats) your candida!"

Original song “Don't Pay The Ferryman” by CHRIS DE BURGH (click on the link to hear the music)

French Lentil Soup avec brocoli

ça me vient plus facilement aujourd'hui, écrire ma recette en français plutot que in English.

  • 8 à 10 tomates rouges du jardin (peau enlevée, voir truc en bas de page)
  • 1/2 tasse de lentilles rincées (les miennes sont vertes)
  • 1/2 tete de broccoli
  • au moins 3 gousses d'ail  ;)
  • 1 cuil. à table de chacune de ces épices : paprika, curcuma, corinandre et sel (marin, hymalayan ou autre)
  • herbes : 8 grandes feuilles de sauge fraiche (ou autres herbes)
  • 2 cuil. à table d'huile (noix de coco ou olive ou autre)
  • 900 ml bouillon ... legume, oignon, poulet ou autre

Faire revenir à feu élevé, dans l'huile, l'ail et le broccoli. Dans une marmite, porter à ébulition les tomates et épices. Ajoutez le bouillon, les lentilles et vos feuilles de sauge. Mijotez à feu moyen-doux environ 20 minutes. Enlevez les feuilles. Ajoutez ail et broccoli, continuez à cuire jusqu'à ce que tout soit tendre sous la dent, environ 5 minutes.

Pour confectioner une soupe repas, ajoutez une poignée de riz basmati ou de quinoa en même temps que le bouillon.

Donne 6 grandes portions.

Les tomates

Déposez les tomates fraiches dans l'eau bouillante après avoir enlevé le nombril et tracé un X au haut du fruit. Soulevez les tomates de l'eau lorsque vous voyez la beau se soulever, 30 à 40 secondes.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Maple Syrup Glazed Spiced Walnuts with Cocoa Nibs

How's that for a descriptive title?! Eric used maple syrup to glaze walnuts, instead of jaggery as described here. We first tasted Satya spiced walnuts at Bahkti in the woods. Eric used the Cottage Blend, recommended to balance acidity and his Pitta (fire element). this blend also helps liver function.

  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 5 cups walnuts
  • 1/4 cup chopped cocoa nibs
  • one package "cottage blend" or other Satya spices.
  • coconut oil or butter or olive oil (to grease baking pans)
Mix together maple syrup and spices, then the nuts and cocoa nibs - gradually. Mix as you stir in more nuts to coat evenly. Spread on greased cookie sheets and bake at 350F for 3 to 5 minutes. Refrigerate in a jar or airtight container for best results.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Kale of Summer (a collection of gluten free recipes)

Curried kale and tofu with cherry tomatoes and hemp seeds
Summer is coming to an end. We've plucked several plants from the garden as the first frost can come any day now. Most of the kale was cut this weekend. I don't need to tell you how healthy organic kale is, there are many articles on the Web that do just that. Kale is not a vegetable I knew of until just a few years ago. since, we've juiced some and shredded some to add to salads. Here are my other favorite kale concoctions.

Kale Chips (two ways)
1) simplest

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together garlic powder, sea salt, curry powder, turmeric, cayenne pepper, coriander, paprika and olive oil. Mix in kale leaves (no stems) until all coated. Spread leaves on dehydrator trays and dehydrate at 115F until crisp, like a tasty thin green potato chip!

2) "cheesy" if you have a bit more time on your hands
Make a raw cheese by blending 1/3 cup pine nuts, a touch of olive oil, a clove of garlic a piece of red pepper and some curry spice. Coat leaves by massaging them with the paste mixture with your hands. Dehydrate at 115F until crisp. At this temperature, your quality ingredients remain raw and thus all vitamins and benefincial nutrients, even enzymes, are preserved.

Kale and Root Vegetable Soup
A great recipe for fall and for balancing Vatta Dosha. Inspired by this recipe, I used grated parsnip, rutabaga, ginger and carrot along with two small diced beets, kale leaves and 1/2 cup of basmati rice. I didn't have daikon radish or cilantro but added a bunch of parsley at the end of the cooking time.

 Curried Kale and Tofu

  •  1 block of firm tofu
  • 3 to 6 cups cups chopped kale
  • 3 tbsp. spices (garlic salt, paprika, turmeric, cumin, coriander and your choice of satya spices, I used woman's blend)
  • 1/3 cup total of cocoa or regular ghee or butter or coconut oil (I mixed all three as they melted in the pan)
Mix the spices in an airtight container large enough for all of the tofu. Cut the tofu into small squares and place with spices. Shake to cover evenly. You can do this in advance and keep it in the fridge. To cook, heat your oil in a large pan and stir in the tofu. Stir it up after 4 minutes, repeat until the tofu is browned and looks crisped.


Turn heat to medium-low. Add the kale, cover. Stir occasionally, keep covered and sprinkle garlic salt or pepper to taste. You cad add cherry tomatoes and roasted nuts as they did here. Consider serving on a bed of stringy spaghetti squash.

Kale Stuffed Zucchini Boats
  • large zucchini(s)
  • Portobello mushroom
  • onion
  • red or orange or yellow bell pepper
  • jalapeno pepper
  • garlic clove
  • hemp hearts
  • shredded cheddar cheese
  • garlic salt or sea salt
  • cayenne, paprika, cumin and coriander or fresh herbs from your garden such as sage, chives and oregano
  • butter (or coconut oil or ghee)
 Cut a big zucchini lengthwise, seed or scoop up some flesh from the center. Sprinkle with sea salt or garlic salt and turn upside down on a clean dish towel.

Heat a tbsp of butter in a large frying pan and toss in a chopped Portobello mushroom. Stir until browned and lightly crisped. Set aside. Stir-fry fresh bell and jalapeno peppers coarsely chopped along with onion and garlic. Once tender, add a handful of kale as well as the herbs and/or spices, cover the pan and let the steam tenderize the greens for about 5 minutes. Stir in tomato chunks and mushrooms. Stuff the zucchini boats. Sprinkle hemp hearts and then the cheese.

Bake at 350F for 30 to 40 minutes in a baking pan with 1cm water at the bottom. I baked mine atop a few sage leaves and alongside cored apples stuffed with whole pitted dates, walnuts and a chunk of butter - for dessert.

Any of the leftover vegetable mix can be stirred in to 1/2 cup or more cooked quinoa, rice or beans and sprinkled with lime juice for a hearty salad or side dish for next day's lunch. Here are more luch leftover tips and ideas.

Greatest Kale Juice
Juice with a bunch of kale stems and leaves: red grapes, small beet, apple, celery, chunk of ginger and a lemon.

Tell me about your Kale Kombos!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Learning One-ness

I am purchasing two books today online. The first I've just learned about, I read the introductory version (free e-book) earlier this week and was instantly captivated by the constellation family healing exercises and, the second, I've known about for a while but I haven’t felt ready to dive into the “Divine Matrix”. The titles may seem strange and you might wonder why I'm telling you this.

Of course I haven't read them yet but I believe they will help me understand and further my growth and expand my beliefs so I can better serve and explain concepts that just a short time ago seemed unrealistic and perhaps even dare I say, foolish?

My comprehension of self and others and the way we share space and time is about to change.

Image source: You will also find some very cool Gregg Braden videos here.

We all have different learning styles that can be categorized and combined. The main styles being kinaesthetic (action oriented, learning by doing), visual, auditory, reader/writer and I’ve met one client describe himself as being conceptual so there may be more but these are the main categories. I tend to see myself as the reader/writer type which is probably why I love information so much. In school, math and science were not my fortes, languages, drama and literature better represented my interests. When I met with a career advisor in high school I was told to study communications and attracted to the worlds of journalism, advertising and later, television, that’s what I did.

Today, I consider myself to have excellent skills when it comes to reading, writing and understanding of the written word. Something in me though, drives me to want to understand more deeply the laws of the Universe that connect us all. So I’m increasingly interested in science, biology and elemental chemistry. Doubting my level of comprehension of these subjects, reading books at my own pace seems like the way to go, for me.

I talk about oneness with all of my clients as well as friends and some family now so these books, (along with the one I have written and titled “Why Am I Perfect?”) I perceive as tools that will assist me in assisting clients when I explain ONENESS.

Because thus far, my explanations have contained as many statements as questions!

What books have you read or documentaries watched related to these subjects?

On a sidenote... I'm curious so I'll ask the question: How do you feel about purchasing things from Amazon? There are many more books out there I'd love to read but I'll start with these two. *OH!* and so many cool things are sold on this website, like a spiralizer! With an abundance of spaghetti squash in my garden now, they are firm with a mild sweet taste, this would be a cool thing to have and take my raw food experiences in other direction.

Book summaries copied from Amazon:

Between 1993 and 2000, a series of groundbreaking experiments revealed dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our world - 'the Divine Matrix'. From the healing of our bodies, to the success of our careers, relationships, and the peace between nations, this new evidence demonstrates that we each hold the power to speak directly to the force that links all of creation. What would it mean to discover that the power to create joy, to heal suffering, and bring peace to nations lives inside of you? How differently would you live if you knew how to use this power each day of your life? Join Gregg Braden on this extraordinary journey bridging science, spirituality and miracles through the language of 'The Divine Matrix.'

Family and other forms of Constellations constitute one of the most effective and thrilling modern therapeutic methods that will help you improve your relationships and life in general by allowing love to flow again. Not since Freud has the realm of psychology seen such groundbreaking insights as those provided by Hellinger, the founder of Constellations. Constellation work is a universal tool that will enable you to identify and resolve problems in any sphere of life including personal relationship, health and workplace issues. This easy-to-read book comprehensively explains the method and theory of constellations. To augment understanding, the text is illustrated with detailed authentic case studies from Indra's practice. The latest research and innovative applications of systemic constellations, such as organizational, structural and table constellations are also discussed, as well as relevant scientific research. Whether you are a layman or spiritual seeker interested in improving your life or a therapist interested in adding another dimension to your therapeutic skills arsenal, this indispensable book is a treasure trove of information and insights that will go a long way in helping you find true understanding about Constellations and how relationships work.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Marinated Eggplant Instead of Salad Dressing

Begin with the ingredients as you see here: one small eggplant, a couple of garlic cloves, half a tomato, ratio 1:3 raw apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil (cold pressed olive or grapeseed are best), sea salt and finally, fresh herbs like chives and rosemary if you have them.

You can certainly make a larger quantity but it should be consumed within one week. If you want to keep longer, ensure that the vegetables in the jar are submerged in liquid and omit the fresh tomato, use sundried or dehydrated instead.

Chop the tomato and garlic. Put in glass jar, add chopped eggplant. My pieces are quite large and I left the skin on but you can chop more finely and peel if that is your preference. Add other ingredients to fill the jar. Put the lid on and shake it up. Refrigerate and help yourself next day for lunch.

This recipe goes a long way! Watch...

Once you have had a serving or two, add to the jar other types of vegetables such as steamed asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli and/or portobello mushroom. Let that marinate until your next meal.

Combined with a homemade raw cracker, every bite is fabulously different!

 Later in the week, when your jar contains just a few pieces of vegetables but still some liquid, prepare a few hard boiled eggs, remove the shell and add to the jar. Along with some crackers and a salad, this makes a protein and enzyme packed meal you can carry.

How many meals was that?

Sandwich Crackers (nut free)

I call these "sandwich crackers" because they are slightly moist and tender like bread. They don't dehydrate to a crisp like my previously published recipes made with nuts and because of their shape. 

  • 1 to 2 cups vegetable pulp left from juicing
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup raw vegetable juice
  • shredded cabbage
  • 1 cup milled flax with 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup pepitas (pumpkin seeds) and sunflower (mine were roasted, so not raw) 
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 2 Tbsp cold pressed olive, flax or grapeseed oil
  • desired seasoning (cayenne pepper, fresh herbs, dried Italian mix or curry spices)

Spoon-dropped onto the trays and flattened later, the large crackers can be created then cut in half and paired up for making "sandwiches".

  • 2 Tbsp agave nectar OR
  • 2 Tbsp honey and 1 Tbsp tahini (sesame butter)

Dehydrate at 105F until you can snap a piece off. About 26 hours.

I really liked these with a crisp salad and marinated eggplant instead of vinaigrette. Really good too with tuna salad and soup. What kind of sandwich will you have?

Monday, 12 August 2013

Caramel Glazed Peach Protein Cookies

Warm out of the dehydrator (which was at a high temp all night because I wanted these to be ready this morning -aren't 100% raw but still gluten free!) I buttered these peach protein cookies with my raw "caramel".

WOW !!!

I didn't write down the quantities as I went along creating these because in my mind I was just adapting the raw hemp protein bar recipe but the mixture turned out to be quite liquid so they became cookies instead of bars. Thus, quantities are approximate.

The really great thing about dehydrator treats are that there is some room for give and take.


  • 1 cup shelled hemp seed (hemp hearts/nuts)
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 1/3 cup walnuts
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds (more or less, depending on consistency of mixture)
  • 1/4 cup milled flax seeds
  • 2 or 3 fresh peaches
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 10 pitted dates
  • 1/2 cup water (for soaking the dates)
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • sea salt

Soak the dates in water, just so they are covered, for at least 30 minutes.

Mix together in a large bowl: 1/2 cup hemp hearts, the milled flax, spices and salt.

Using a food processor, make a paste using the rest of the hemp, the almonds, walnuts and coconut oil. Add the dates and soaking water and 2 peaches. Process until smooth.

Pour the fruity nutty paste into the bowl and incorporate chia seeds. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes. If the texture is still liquid and doesn't hold well, add more chia. Chop the last peach into small pieces, mix these in delicately.

Spread the batter onto a texflex/silicone or plastic wrap for a dehydrator tray. Dehydrate for a couple of hours. Flip the batter over, directly on the tray, removing the silicone/texflex or plastic wrap. Dehydrate another hour or so - these timings are just guidelines, go with how the batter feels.

Separate or cut into pieces, form rounds and flatten slightly to shape as cookies. This recipe yields at least 10 large breakfast cookies. I dehydrated mine on high heat for about 10 hours total so they're not 100% raw. 

Dehydrating at 105F, you'll leave them for more than a day. They'll be firm on the outside but moist inside.

Glaze them while they are warm and the "caramel" will be absorbed by the cookie. Pure, healthy, peachy delisciousness! 

If you don't eat them all right away, keep refrigerated in an airtight container.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

I can't believe it's not caramel

I worked up an appetite sorting my clothing this afternoon. Back at my pre-maternity weight, some clothes are due to be given away and the smaller outfits need to be hung up again. Not my favorite task but it definitely felt good to fit in some of my nicer pieces again (woo hoo size 2 jeans!)

On a side note, I really owe losing the weight to going gluten free and to following the candida diet.

Last weekend I made crackers but haven't eaten them. I was disappointed in myself, they taste bitter.

Really bitter.

I'm not sure what went wrong exactly but I know I didn't follow my herb cracker recipe as I should have - I used a huge amount of vegetable pulp which included kale from our garden which does taste somewhat bitter. I love dehydrated kale chips so I don't know what happened or if that is the reason since I haven't made chips with the kale we've grown yet. Anyways...

Enough about that, let's just say I was VERY disappointed.

I hadn't touched the crackers all week then today, looking for a quick and filling snack I had one with store-bought organic raspberry jam. It was good!

Yesterday we celebrated Lucas' birthday, he just turned three and I brought home raw cake. The store owner told me it needed to be kept cold because it held together thanks to coconut butter. It was delicious raw cake, full of flavor and with a cheesecake texture. With that on my mind when hunger crept in today, I remembered seeing a recipe online some time ago for date butter.

I took about 1/2 cup coconut oil, 10 soaked pitted dates* a pinch of both sea salt and cinnamon. Blended it all together and the result is genius. I can't believe it's not caramel!

If you try this, you will not regret it! I sat outside on the grass with my caramel-date-butter and ate about 10 large crackers.

I am so happy to have found a way to salvage them!

Have you had a raw culinary disaster you'd like to share in the comments below? Or perhaps a story of a recipe you were able to save? I'd really love to know what happened.

* About dates:
Dates contain essential nutrients, are high in (unprocessed) sugar and moderate amount of protein and lipids as well as: minerals (iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, sodium potassium, phosphorus, calcium and choline; and vitamins A, C, B complex. Moreover, they contain antioxidants, vitamins and elements that play major roles in prevention of heavy metals toxicity, especially mercury.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

I made raw protein bars for Hempfest in Almonte. oops, Herbfest!



These taste very healthy, meaning that if you can eat sugar, consider adding more dates, some maple syrup, agave nectar, molasses or honey! A granulated sweetner would also work well.

To copy me, you will need:
  • 4 cups Hemp hearts (2 cups will be blended and the other half kept whole),
  • 2 cups Walnuts,
  • 1/3 cup Chia seeds,
  • Goji berries,
  • soaked pitted Dates (water),
  • 3/4 cups Cocoa nibs plus 1/3 cup used for the chocolate syrup,  
  • 1/3 cup Carob powder,
  • 1 cup ground Almonds (can be coarse or fine), 
  • 2 or 3 Tbsp Coconut oil, (optional)
  • 1tsp Cinnamon, and
  • a pinch or two of Sea salt.
Keep in mind that I was preparing these for an event (Herbfest) so you may want to cut quantities in half. As listed, this recipe yields 24 large or 48 small bars.

There are a few steps to this whole foods recipe but it is not at all complicated.

First, you'll want to put the pitted dates in about one cup of water. Obviously, filtered / chlorine free! for at least a couple of hours before using them.

Process together or separately 2 cups of walnuts and 2 cups of hemp with the coconut oil.

In a large mixing bowl, mix the whole hemp seeds (2 cups), ground almonds, 3/4 cocoa nibs, cinnamon and sea salt. Add the blended walnuts, hemp and oil. Mix throroughly.

In a jar or measuring cup, place the chia seeds and goji berries. Once the dates have softened, add some of the date water and stir. Allow the seeds to absorb the liquid but you won't want them to be drenched. Chia seeds are fabulous because they will absorb excess moisture, if any, in the recipe.

While the seeds and berries soak, you can make the chocolate syrup. I attempted this with my food processor, it was a bad idea. My baby bullet blender works better with liquids than the food processor. So, blend together the dates and remaining soaking water (adding more water if you feel this is required as you go along), 1/3 cup cocoa nibs and 1/3 cup carob powder.

Mix the chocolate syrup into the nutty mixture in the bowl, add the swollen chia and goji berries. Mix again.

Shape the dough into a ball, ensuring all is mixed well and separate the ball into 4 equal parts. Transfer one part onto a cutting board or smooth surface and divide again into 4 or 5 parts. Form bars with each one and repeat the process until all of the dough is used. Yes, this is the tedious part. Put on some music or a meditation to listen to while you work. Here's a good one wink, wink: Incredible Breakthrough Show, Forensic Healer Nathalie Beaupré

Line the bars up to compare shape and sizes as you go along to keep them uniform and for smaller bars, once they are aligned and stacked, cut the pile in half so the small bars are also of the same size.

Dehydrate for 2 hours at 105F and for 6 to 8 hours (overnight perhaps) at 95F. This is recommended if you will wrap them individually and want the bars to keep their shape.
The bars are good without the dehydration, they'll just be softer.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.

Healthful, high quality ingredients make healthful, high quality recipes!

I will make these again soon but they will be a bit sweeter. I'll add honey. Instead of goji berries I'll be using dried blueberries as I have some on hand and because walnuts tend to be somewhat bitter when concentrated, I will try substituting with pecans and more almonds. I usually work with walnuts first when inventing a recipe because they easily become buttery. You could also add shredded coconut, sprouted buckweet, other seeds and dried fruit such as cranberries. Prunes could also be an alternative to dates, that would be interesting for sure.

Use the comment section below the recipe to let me know what your combos are! 

hemp - processed to be like butter, literally, it turned into a ball.

Almost forgot to take a picture of the chocolate syrup! I had started to pour into the dry mixture.

Stacking the bars helped to make sure they were of the same length and width

I decided to cut the bars in half so more people can try them. Suddenly, there were 48 pieces!

Dehydrating gave the bars a harder coating but they remained soft inside. It also prevents them from sticking to the plastic wrap and allows them to keep their shape during travel.

Individually wrapped and ready to go

Presentation at Herbfest

Monday, 22 July 2013

Packing More Raw (work lunches)

I've written on packing a lunch before. You already know how I feel about leftovers... Love 'em! For these tips to work out pleasantly, you should have access to a refrigerator or use ice packs!

Today I am offering ideas on maximizing rawness in your lunches away from home. My first recommendation is to always have a variety of raw nuts and seeds to munch on when hunger strikes. When the body says "feed me" it is usually because it's time for protein. These are easy to store in a bulk quantity at the office. I keep a container of hemp hearts to add to salads, yogurt as well as to hot dishes. Other things to keep at the office for convenient lunches is your own cutlery, some dishsoap and a sponge or washcloth.

My packed lunches almost always include salad with lemon, homemade dehydrated crackers, raw vegetable juice or half an English cucumber and a fruit or two. It seems I'm always nibbling on something throughout the day. I focus on protein, variety, fresh taste and water intake.

This way of eating can take time to get used to because it has high fibre and low sugar contents. It is low carb, yet high protein, minerals and vitamins. If you are having sweet cravings, add dried fruits to your afternoon snacks instead of breaking down and buying a donut. Some planning ahead is key to packing healthier lunches with more raw and whole foods but as I'll mention again, it does not need to be complicated.

Staple foods for my gluten free raw meals include:
  • Salad (spinach, various leafy greens, cabbage, herbs especially parsley)
  • Nuts and seeds (pecans, almonds, sunflower, hemp)
  • Avocado
  • Lemon (to squirt on salad or in water)
  • Cut vegetables (cucumber, carrot, celery, bell peppers)
  • dips, hummus, tahini, nut butters
  • Dehydrated crackers (keep refrigerated)
  • Juicing (1 inch ginger, 1/4 beet, 2 celery ribs and 1 grapefruit is a great morning combo!)
  • Fresh, frozen and some dried fruits
  • green and herbal teas (peppermint, artichoke, fennel seed tea is great for digestion)
Non raw items, mostly whole foods, high protein:
  • rice paper or nori sheets for wraps (available from Asian groceries)
  • plain yogurt
  • cheese (once or twice per week)
  • hard boiled eggs
  • meat (I love leftover cold cooked chicken, I rarely eat pork now and we rarely buy deli meats anymore)
  • broth soups (most often use organic chicken broth, onions, celery, garlic and ginger)
  • quinoa (I like it cooked in tomato sauce)
  • canned chick peas (salads, humus, casseroles)
  • canned tuna can be added to almost any salad

Variety is Key to Fun and Enjoyment

I don't like eating the same thing all of the time. If you bring variety, you will stick with your plan of avoiding excessive spending on toxic processed foods. It certainly takes some planning ahead but really does not need to be complicated.

Not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

This is homemade hummus made from canned chick peas and chives from my early spring garden. What I promote isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle and I suggest we strive to be conscious of what's in our foods and simply aim for the best. Even if we rely on processed foods such as canned meat or peas now and again.

There are many raw hummus recipes out there on the web, although as Eric pointed out "I would just call them dips!" Zucchini (I don't peel it) blended with lemon juice, tahini, hemp hearts, olive or grapeseed oil, garlic, a piece of onion, of red pepper, a touch of sea salt and cumin makes a very nice "raw hummus". For a cracker spread that takes no preparation, bring an avocado and a butter knife.

How Convenient!

Make a big salad at dinner time, and put some aside for your next day's lunch. At home, I make amazing vinaigrettes usually with a mix of olive oil, raw apple cider vinegar, herbs or pantry spices and sometimes maple syrup or balsamic vinegar. My simplest and zestiest salad dressing is half a lemon squeezed over my salad right before eating! To go, I'll place my mixed greens in a container with the lemon and I no longer worry about creating oily, smelly, spillings.

This salad pictured above is made with canned corn, some storebought salsa and cumin for a Mexican twist. Those are processed ingredients but they accompany spinach, romaine lettuce, raddichio, grated zucchini and carrot as well as raw onion so I think it is all worth the compromise. We must find balance between what works for us, our schedule, our dietary needs, finances and personal health regimen/preferences!

If you consume dairy, add whole chia seeds to plain yogurt or cottage cheese, along with berries (fresh or frozen) and a touch of agave, honey or maple syrup. It will firm up like a pudding which makes it better to carry and gives a rich texture. The bonus is that buying the ingredients in bulk saves you money too. But that's not all, this is something you can prepare the night before. You can do this with soy milk too, (chocolate flavour or blended with berries!) add some probiotic powder if you want. Whole raw chia seeds can be added to smoothies, juices, salsas, jams and dips without affecting the taste but do change the texture, which I really enjoy. I often include chia seed to my dehydrated chacker and desert balls. It's a little seend with many healthful properties. 

Extra, Extra!

When you are adventurous and building your skills at making dehydrator delights, bring some to share! Or at the beginning of the week, if you have access to a refrigerator at the office, bring a quantity of crackers and berry balls that you will have on hand for a few days. I do the same thing with soups which I bring in a glass jar and serve myself a microwaved bowl when I feel like having soup that week. I also keep a container of raw nuts to nibble on in the morning especially.

Good Hydration

I like keeping a variety of herbal teas in my cabinet. In warmer weather, try this:
At home, steep fennel seeds with freshly boiled water. Slip into tall glass jars, 4 to 6 frozen raspberries along with slices of ginger and lemon. Pour in the fennel tea, with the seeds. Top off the jars with filtered water and place them in the fridge until you are ready to go. I like to prepare 3 or 4 jars on Sunday night.  

If you're like me and don't want to drink fluorized tap water from the old office building you work in, stay well hydrated with fruit such as oranges, grapes and apples. Also bring kombucha* , homemage ginger ale or raw juice made that morning (or the night before - cover, avoid contact with metal and refrigerate for up to 12 hours as then it's already lost many nutrients with oxidization).

If you don't juice or make green smoothies but drink coffee, you should seriously consider switching your coffee for a healthier kind that has antioxidant instead of acidic properties. You can purchase Organo Gold coffee from me here. The Supreme kind even contains ginseng. They already come in individual packages, you just need freshly boiled water and a mug.


I haven't yet spotted raw nory (seaweed) sheets. Black ones are roasted and the raw ones are supposed to be green. They are an inexpensive food when you consider their nutritional value and that they can be a substitute for bread or tortilla wraps. I love rice paper wraps at home but they don't always carry well. So for your nori hand roll, thinly slice your choices of vegetables, my favourites include cucumber, bell peppers, cabbage, onions, Portobello mushrooms, lots of spinach, grated carrots and I splash with lemon juice. The edges of the nori sheet will stick to each other when dampened. Note that similarly to a Big Mac or a Subway sandwich, this is something you don't want to eat over your computer keyboard.

Leftover chicken stirfry with fiddleheads, chicken, peppers and onions topping fresh spinach, basil, chives and pineapple chunks.

Give in to temptation - on your own terms!

I was tantalized by buying a second salad today when my coworker announced she was going to the Greek place. Bringing a lunch is frugal, reduces packaging so I say it's good for the environment but sometimes we just want a treat. In this case... feta. It tasted amazing with my dehydrator crackers.

Also check out the eggplant marinade recipe that goes a long way... for healthy lunches!

*kombucha posts will be coming soon!

How do you pack a raw lunch?

Friday, 5 July 2013

Groundhog Summer Fine Herb Crackers

Fresh garden herbs are one thing I look forward to and absolutely LOVE about summer.

What are your favourite tastes and smells of summer?

These crackers are seriously awesome. You will not find a better tasting, healthier, gluten free cracker anywhere. this is my best recipe thus far and my curry loaf crackers are second best. 

Let's do it!

  • 1 cup pine nuts
  • 1 or 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 cup shelled hemp seed/hearts
In a large bowl, mix:
  • the processed ingredients as listed above
  • 1 to 2 cups green vegetable pulp (mine had spinach - do not freeze!- which sparked this whole recipe idea, celery, broccoli stems, lemon and green cabbage)
  • 1 cup milled flax seed mixed with 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup any of the following: whole hemp seed, whole chia seed or sunflower seeds
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • at least 1 cup chopped herbs of your choosing

Optional, to dehydrate alongside the crackers:
  • 2 or 3 very thinly sliced strawberries
  • very thinly sliced fresh pineapple pieces

Tip: To prepare herbs and most fresh produce, I rinse thoroughly and then leave to soak in water with a Tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar (white vinegar or non raw varieties work too). This removes traces of bugs, bacteria, waxes (stuck on store bought apples for example).

Top left to bottom right: sage, basil, vietnamese coriander, coriander/cilantro, rosemary, chives and greek oregano.

working near the window, I felt his presence while chopping the herbs in the kitchen so went outside to take a peek at him, the groundhog who has been feasting in our gardens! (we've had dear come by do a bit of plant damage, as well as a snapping turtle wanting to lay eggs last week among the carrots. Twice!)

Forming Cracker Rounds

Form roundish dough shapes with your hands and place on the trays, you'll be flattening them later.
Cracker Flats

 Dehydrating details: Set the temperature to 105F for 26-28 hours, until the crackers are crispy. About two hours after dehydration has begun, take each cracker out to flatten with your hands or rolling pin on a cutting board. Turn them all over an hour or two later so they flatten with gravity! Then, fill spaces between the crackers with the sliced fruit or leftover herbs you want to preserve and leave them to dehydrate. It should take as long as the crackers will. You can store everything in the same container, in the fridge, and have very yummy healthful snacks to take on a picnic!
Enjoy your summer!