Sunday, 26 May 2013

Loaf Crackers (raw)

The recipe here is sensibly the same as my previous cracker recipes. Pick one of these two as your base (ingredients AND mixing instructions):
Raw Vegetable Crackers - Yes! There is a use for juice pulp
Rooster's pizza crust

I used less walnuts than in the recipes above because I ran out but substituted with more pine nuts as well as more milled flax. I also used some raw veg juice pulp which had been frozen for a couple of days so I was able to make a bigger batch of crackers.

As you can see, I made two loaves. One is seasoned with Italian spices and the other with a curry spice mix. My curry loaf was dehydrated separately because my trays were full with the first loaf slices. The juice pulp contains carrots, celery, cabbage, broccoli stem, apple, lemon and grapefruit. No beets this time! To the nut and seed mixture, I added chopped onion and radicchio (looks like a small red and white cabbage) as well as some agave nectar.

The difference for THIS recipe is that it saves time. The process of forming loaves is quicker than flattening the dough and cutting out shapes.

I'm glad I tried this because it is definitely quicker!

Slice the loaves as thinly as possible, using a wide blade knife or a straight spatula like the one pictured. I found that having both tools was very useful. Pull out any chunky pulp pieces that were not removed during mixing. I discarded apple peel and fibrous grapefruit pieces.

The curry loaf was in the fridge overnight in a covered container. I woke up with the idea that it would be cool to add a spot of colour in the center.

Here's how to do it:
  • mix together milled flax, carrot juice and carrot pulp 
  • add chopped red pepper
  • slice loaf lengthwise and remove some dough from sides, inside, to create a cavity
  • spoon in the new mixture, even it out
  • close the loaf with the dough which was removed

Slice and transfer to trays. These slices will be chunkier because it is challenge to keep it all pretty if you flatten them. If you have some of the second mixture left, you can spoon it onto the middle of each cracker and press it lightly so the contrast is more evident. Dehydrate for 20 to 24 hours at 105F, until crispy.

After one to two hours that they have been in the dehydrator, turn the crackers over, their own weight will help them achieve a flatter shape and you can also flatten them gently between your hands.

Keep in a covered container in the fridge, if after a couple of days the crackers become softer, you can dehydrate again. I haven't kept them longer than one week because they are consumed in less time than that here.

We had Italian herb crackers for lunch today with a bean salad (the curry crackers are still in the machine and smelling divine). Eric said that he would like to build a big dehydrator so I can make bigger batches. Stay tuned for news on that!

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